2010年04月27日 11:34 女友网 】 【打印共有评论0


Wowie zowie Aries, your solar 11th house is all lit up in the most extraordinary and strangely intangible way this May. Since the 11th house is the house of friends, this could indicate that friends and acquaintances of all sorts will start calling you up night and day, beginning right around the time this is posted in late April. If so, they are likely to have various agendas. Agenda #1 could be old-fashioned fun (Jupiter). Agenda #2 could be to float various impractical and confusing ideas for you to consider (Neptune). Agenda #3 could be to heal old wounds (Chiron).

Of course, considering the rather unusual nature of this triple conjunction, it could be none of the above, but whatever it is, people want to connect with you and the energy is big. Meanwhile, Pluto continues to try to give you power in career matters and the sun in Taurus goes right along by giving you access to resources at least until the 20th of the month. Then the sun moves into Gemini, where he puts emphasis on your skills. Plus, Venus is in your sign and so is Mars. Dang, it’s almost like you can do anything you want to do this month. So what can I say except go ahead and do things!


Did you know, Taurus, that Pluto in your solar 9th house of of long-range thinking is encouraging you to become more and more careful in your thinking and actions as your mind puts together data you’ve been gathering for years? The 9th house is a house of the understanding and wisdom that comes from life experience. It’s also about having a coherent point of view and philosophy of life. Having Pluto here is super-fantabulous because it gets along well with your sun, giving your mind power of a sort you’re probably not used to.

Get used to being super-smart or at least look forward to becoming more and more super-smart as this trend develops over many years. Depending on your rising sign, you can look forward to growth in two areas of your life thanks to Pluto. For example, if you have Aries rising, your broadened new powerful thinking may benefit you in your career (because Capricorn, the sign Pluto’s in, represents the house of career for Aries rising folks). Just thought you might want to know that, since this is your birthday month, and this smartness thing is one of those reflective insights dealies that goes with contemplating what you’ll do with the next year of your life.

This is also a huge career year for you. Actually a HUGE career year for you, all caps. And by the end of May it becomes super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degrees Aquarius. Those of you born around May 17 may be bombarded by so much energy that you’ll have no idea what the hell is hitting you.

For all Taureans, some of the energy is likely to feel great (the Jupiter part), some of it confusing (the Neptune part) and some of it enlightening (the Chiron part). This energy lasts at least until July, so be prepared for all kinds of signs and wonders for the next couple of months. Note that I am not trying to tell you what exactly to do with all this career energy; you’ll need to sort that through for yourself. There may be both opportunities and hesitations, and on some level you’ll need to use that super-fantabulous Pluto energy to help you determine what exactly you are and are not willing to do for the sake of your career and reputation in the near and long term.


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