2010年04月27日 11:34 女友网 】 【打印共有评论0


Spirituality is likely to play a big role in any decisions you make in May, Leo, even if you are not otherwise in the mood to be particularly spiritual. The full moon on the 9th of May occurs in the deep and mysterious sign of Scorpio in your solar 4th house of the soul. So we have our spiritual theme right there. But wait, there’s more!

There’ll be a big triple conjunction of Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron in Aquarius toward the end of May. That’s a pretty spiritual trio right there, and Uranus in Pisces will also be at the same degree one sign over. Uranus in Pisces leans toward the spiritual as well. The spiritual energy is just all over the place.

Furthermore, most of the action takes place in the angles of your chart, where influences are most likely to affect you. The sectors of self, family, career, and partners are all getting energy at once. If you were born during the last week of your sign, you are even more powerfully affected. Nothing to do I suppose but search your soul and act from your highest purpose.


Well, for once your horoscope is clearer than most, Virgo. May is pretty solidly about your job and career. At least that’s true near the end of the month when you have your annual career new moon (in Gemini on the 24th). I don’t know that this new moon will have you make any rash or abrupt changes in your career plan, for Pluto in Capricorn is in good angle to your sun and feeling rather conservative. Plus, Saturn’s still in your sign and he always feels conservative.

Still, if you get a call offering you a career opportunity, take it, as you’re likely to be pretty popular this month. Your ruler Mercury also opens the month in your career house, although he does go retrograde on the 6th. Don’t let that inhibit you from taking action though because dang you have some incredible energy in your solar 6th house of job stuff to back up Mercury.

The energy in your job sector is all about unity and cooperation. If you don’t get any big opportunities handed to you, you may be able to band together with your co-workers and create some. In what are tough times employment wise for many, you’ve got a lot of planets on your side right now.


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