南京制造 2010当代艺术展
2010年04月28日 21:39 艺术中国 】 【打印共有评论0


策展人: 吴文星

学术主持: Chris Gill

艺术总监: 陈波

开幕时间: 2010年5月16日 星期日 下午三点半

展览时间: 2010年5月16日至2010年7月16日

主办: 新波画廊 上海莫干山路97号

参展艺术家 artists:曹恺 陈辉 高雷 葛震 胡正东 黄峻 刘国夫 罗凡 潘登 沈敬东 宋乃江 吴翦 徐弘 于小雨 闫栋 朱存伟 赵勤


Made in Nanjing ——2010 Contemporary Exhibition

Curator: Wu Wenxing

Academic: Chris Gill

Director: Chen Bo

Opening: Sun. 16th May. 2010, 3:30pm

Duration: 16th May. —— 16th Jul. 2010

Organizer: NEW B GALLERY No.97 Moganshan Rd.


江南人杰地灵,诗情画意,文化也极其多元丰富,而被誉为六朝古都的南京,更是一个有着千年文化底蕴的江南名都。此次2010“南京制造”展延续了我对江南人文艺术做的一点探究。2007 “Made in SH”,2008 “From杭州”都很好地反映出了上海及杭州地区艺术家的生活方式与创作状态,独特的地域文化特质决定了他们对艺术探究与追求的方向。



“南京制造”展能顺利举行,首先感谢于小雨先生的联络与帮助,青和当代美术馆馆长刘国夫先生的热情接待与引荐以及胡正东先生对画册、请柬、海报等的精心设计,同时也非常高兴能和Chris Gill先生一起赴南京采访南京艺术家并参观他们的工作室,最后感谢新波画廊在2010世博期间提供了展览的空间及经费的支持。

文/ 吴文星


WuWenxing April 26,2010


South of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River is characterized by its outstanding personality and very poetic flavor as well as its richness in multicultural information. Nanjing, honored as Six Dynasties ancient capital, is a well-known capital in JiangNan District with a ten-thousand profound cultural deposits. This time the exhibition of “2010 Made in Nanjing” will be my continuous probe into JiangNan’s art of humanity. 2007 “Made in SH” and 2008 “From HangZhou” has been an ideal reflection of the lifestyle and creative status of the artists coming from Shanghai and Hangzhou. The distinguishing feature of the regional culture decides their lifetime pursuit in art probe.

Sincerity and enthusiasm of the Nanjing’s artists is the first impression left on my mind. They are born with a special disposition which refers to their being on sea, sail and being on land, settle but being of courage and fortitude. Their sensitive, detailed, determined thoughts are centered on the art and it is this very personality that enhances the spiritual temperament of the Chinese contemporary art and enriches its cultural circumstances as well.

Here, I am awaiting more attention on the contemporary pattern of art in JiangNan district from more critics and exhibition planners and looking forward to its better integration and development.

As for this successful “Made in Nanjing” exhibition, I am very thankful to Mr. XiaoYu for his contact and assistance and to Mr. LiuGuofu, director of Qing He Contemporary Art Museum for their warm reception and introduction and to Mr. HuZhengdong for his well-designed picture album and invitations as well as his playbills. Meantime, I am delighted to be with Mr. Chris Gill to interview the artists of Nanjing and visit their workshops. At last, I am very much obliged to XingBo gallery for his exhibition rooms’ supplying and financial support in this very period of “Shanghai 2010 Expo”.

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