2010年05月07日 21:09 艺术中国 】 【打印共有评论0



地点:今日美术馆 3号馆




In the Name of Figurative Painting---Contemporary Art Institute Graduate Student Exhibition

Duration: May 29th – June 13th

Venue: building 3

In recent years under the impact of new technological advancements, the art world experienced a boom of skepticism about the value of realistic painting method. However, over the years of continuous experimentation and debate, everyone has begun to realize that although the use of digital photography and computerized imaging supercedes hand-painting in terms of their ability to create highly realistic portrayals of objects, in many ways they cannot replace hand-painting. Hand-painting‘s unique creating process and its subtle and meticulous expressions of emotions are not something that technology can master. Hence the younger generation of artists have not abandoned the traditional realistic hand-painting technique.

On the contrary, they are combining new skills with the old. Moreover, under the influence of conceptual art, this younger generation of artists‘ styles are versatile and characteristic.

The participating artists are employing more realistic approach in their work. As suggested by ar t theorist, Shao Dazhen, all ar tistic creation can be divided into two aspects, namely“technique”and “spirit”. How do these artists master the techniques and at the same time express their ideologies? This is what this exhibition aims to reveal and bring into discussion.

This exhibition is a sister program of the Today Art Museum‘s “Today National Art Student Annual Awards“. To be a graduate student in art, one is committed to create a career path as an artist, Today Art Museum would like to show support for them.


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