2010年05月07日 21:09 艺术中国 】 【打印共有评论0



地点:今日美术馆 1号馆2层


—— 杨茂源

“杨茂源作品展”是今日美术馆在2010 年推出的重要艺术家个展之一。展览作品既包括2009年杨茂源于意大利美第奇博物馆展出的大理石雕像新作,亦有近几年来创作的装置、纸上作品等。这次展览将较全面地呈现艺术家近年来的工作状况。杨茂源将中国文化与哲学的历史遗存作为创作的思想来源,他感兴趣的问题是艺术如何产生精神力量以及如何通过艺术作品传播这种精神力量。

Yang Maoyuan Solo Exhibition

Duration: May 26th – June 11th

Venue: 2nd floor exhibition hall of building 1

“I do not see that art has any ties to creation. To me, art is anexperience. In other words, I get to learn about myself through my own working process. The physical human body is, in my eyes, something much more completed than art. My work is to reveal this kind of complexity. I think it is an amazing thing.”

– Yang Maoyuan.

“2010 Yang Maoyuan Solo Exhibition” is one of the major solo exhibitions at Today Art Museum in the year of 2010. Exhibited work includes Yang’s new marble work which had exhibited at the Museum of the Palazzo Medici in Italy, his installation work and work on paper from the past few years. This exhibition will give a more in-depth overview of the artist work produced in recent years.

Yang draws from the relics of Chinese culture and philosophy. He is interested to find out how art generates and transmit spiritual power.

杨茂源:牛皮纸、油画棒 2009 177cm×250cm


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