2010年04月12日 15:50 艺术中国 】 【打印共有评论0



时间/Time:4/23 20:00(晚上8时正)

地点/ Venue:牛房仓库 / Ox Warehouse

门票/Ticket: MOP $100

售票点/Ticket Office:

牛房仓库及边度有书 / Ox Warehouse Pinto Livros (牛房之友、边度有书之友及学生可享MOP$70票价优惠,购票时须出示有效证件) (Special ticket purchase at MOP$70 are open for Friends of Ox Warehouse,Pinto Livros and students .Please present vaild ID during purchase)

现场不设划位 Seats are not assigned

主办 / Organizer:婆仔屋艺术空间 / 澳门大学学生会国际电影学会 / 节点文化

协办 / Co-Organizer:边度有书 / 拍板视觉艺术团

赞助 / Sponsor﹕教育暨青年局 DSEJ, 澳门文化局


Kashiwa Daisuke (柏大辅)


日本广岛出生。高中时代曾经组过乐团,于04年开始个人创作,在阪本龙一的“RADIO SAKAMOTO”播放作品后,其充满影像感的声响呈现引起广泛关注。05年在德国前卫厂牌[onpa]参与合辑,后在[onpa]发行个人首张专辑《April.#02》。《program music I》是07年在日本著名独立厂牌noble发表第二张专辑,以日本国宝作家宫泽贤治的《银河铁道之夜》与太宰治的《奔跑吧,梅洛斯》作为两首作品的母题,以其狂暴偏执的密集式拼贴与错误美学手段,将长篇室内乐章加以拆解扭曲再重组,呈现气势迫人的极速异质声响世界。在最新作品《5 Dec.》当中,则大量使用人声采样与更暴烈的噪音与金属吉他狂飙,伴随的是各式电子节奏氛围,从break core、down tempo、bleep techno到drum n’ bass,却在往后出现戏剧性转折,一切噪动回归平静的微模电音与钢琴,柏大辅始终对声响与留白之间的迷人反差有着异于寻常的狂想,孕育出独特的金属美学观。

Influenced by progressive rock, kashiwa daisuke started composing music as a student. 2004, the artist started his solo activities as kashiwa daisuke and toured Germany in 2005. 2006 saw the release of his first album, “april.#02” by Germany’s onpa label, followed by his remix album, “april.#07” in 2007 with guest remixers such as olive oil, and Takeshi Nishimoto (I’m not a Gun). In August of that year, kashiwa released his second album “program music I” from noble labels. September 2008, kashiwa performed at the outdoor festival, Sense of Wonder. The sounds of kashiwa daisuke were introduced in RADIO SAKAMOTO, a radio program by Ryuichi Sakamoto as well as in the sunaokuwahara “2006 Autumn/ Winter Collection”, and his music continues to gather news in a range of other areas including TV programs and commercials. In addition to his own musical activities, the artist provides music to a variety of media and also works as an author, remixer, and mastering engineer. His new album, “5 Dec.” is scheduled for release in February 2009.

Desktop Error


来自曼谷的desktop error是当前泰国最具爆炸性的后摇滚乐队,从早期深受90年代英国另类摇滚影响,及后加入曼谷独立音乐厂牌SO::ON Dry Flower即展现他们自身独特乐风,06年出版首张ep《Instinct》,六首曲子满载厚实吉他音墙与另类摇滚节奏,粗犷活力十足的现场演出迅速吸引曼谷地下摇滚乐迷与媒体注目。09年正式出版首张专辑《Ticket to Home》,一口气收录了14首他们的自创曲,首支单曲Took Took Wan (Everyday)即一呜惊人登上电台排行榜冠军达三周之久,乐队吉他手Adisak Poung-ok (Bird)以他广泛的音乐技能与独特的音乐品味,甚至加上传统泰国乐器,让乐队的风格得以确立,从泰国民谣、Shoegazing到后摇,一队拒绝被归类的强大音乐个体。

Desktop error began as a few high school buddies Tui (Bass), Meng (Drums), Bird (Guitar,keyboard), Op (Guitar) who were inspired by the 90's Brit alternative tunes. The band was completed after Lek (vocals) joined them a few years later. Desktop error started off their music career by playing indie rock covers at a small pub in downtown called Lullabar (one of few venue where kids can enjoy good live music in Bangkok). They soon decided that playing other people!s songs was not enough for them and began making their own under the name Desktop Error. They came to local indie label SO::ON Dry Flower with their uniquely heavy mind capturing music. Soon they released their debut mini album Instinct in 2006. The album is composed of 6 songs with thick wall of guitar sounds and alternative beats. Their yet rough but energetic live performance gained attention from local music listeners and media. In 2009, they released long awaited first full album Ticket to Home, they have spent 3 years to compose more than 20 songs and captured 14 of them into this album. Songs become more simple and strong with good melodies. As a result, their first single Took Took Wan (Everyday) stayed number one at radio chart for 3 weeks. Guitarist Bird's wide musical skill add unique taste to band's music, especially when he play Thai traditional instrument. Album consists variety of music style, from Thai folk to Shoegazer as if they refuse to be categorized in one genre.


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