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老外教你怎么使用中国的蹲厕 中国式厕所名扬天下

2012年12月03日 07:22

How to Use a Squat Toilet in China



The "western" toilet is making inroads into China and in big cities and airports, youll find a few of them in the row of toilets in the bathroom. However, there are still lots and lots and lots of squatty potties and likely as not, youll venture into one. Its not as hard as it seems, but its good to know what youre getting into before you go...


1. Pack Tissues. Before you even leave the hotel, make sure youve got portable toilet paper with you. Lots of public restrooms dont provide it. Wet wipes and hand sanitizer are also good to have along as if theres a sink, there may not be any soap, and probably no towels either.

1. 装好卫生纸


[责任编辑:王晴] 标签:蹲厕 中国式如厕 老外 旅游 凤凰网旅游
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