Food pairing with Rioja
2010年03月25日 11:15 魔山网 】 【打印共有评论0

Franck Crouvezier General Manager of k5 Restaurant,Shanghai

Marques de Murrieta Castillo Ygay Gran reserva Especial 2000 Roasted New Zeeland Lamb Rack with Herb Brioche Crust, Lentil Puree, Young Leek and Baby Beetroot barrel with for so 7 years , a life cycle ! these wines are make for a long journey in your cellar or to be decanted long before to be consumed ! it may appear closed by the oak at first . the multitude and complexity of the wine will be revealed with layers of chocolate , spices as white and black pepper , a basket of berries and juicy sweet plums will be ended with tannin of Coffee and Mocca flavors. On its part the lamb rack will deliver a texture to absorb the sweetest of the wine . the robe of herbs with the berries will be refreshing while the lentils and the coffee will bring you an overall rich earthy dish ! probably best to enjoy in winter !

Siglo Crianza 2005

Pan-Fried Tuna Steak (Medium Rare) with Braised Globe Artichoke Carrot Puree, Balsamic Vinegar and Anchovy-Sage Fritters Medium body wine with a clean tannin the wine will be develop more fruity flavors with food .The silky juice of cherries and wild strawberry flavors will cut through the so called Steak of the Sea ,” the tuna “! the steak served medium rare , juicy and with it’s little fat will absorbed the acidity of the temprinello . this wine of the Mediterranean in contact of the flesh will blossom to a bouquet of sweet wild berries and toasted nuts and smoke barrel. Overall a joy of simplicity with your grilled Tuna !!


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