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老外教你怎么使用中国的蹲厕 中国式厕所名扬天下

2012年12月03日 07:22

5. Queuing Up. If you find yourself outside the comfort of your hotel, dont panic. It wont be unbearable. Queues in China dont work the same way as they do in the States. Women generally line up in front of a particular stall rather than hang back as one opens. This can create a free-for-all so its best to stick to one door and keep your eye on it. If it happens not to be a Western toilet, better to get in there than re-queue. Many times, doors have pictures or signs indicating Western or squat-style toilets. Also, check the lock, if its red, then its occupied. Green means free but always knock.

5. 排队这件事儿


[责任编辑:王晴] 标签:蹲厕 中国式如厕 老外 旅游 凤凰网旅游
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