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老外教你怎么使用中国的蹲厕 中国式厕所名扬天下

2012年12月03日 07:22

7. The Squat. OK, well, youve found yourself in a squatty potty. Its really not that bad and many argue its actually healthier to go this way than sitting down. Whatever, if youre not used to it, squatting can be really difficult. Face forward and try to let your pants down while ensuring that the ends are up (hopefully youve rolled) and not touching the floor. There are grooved places for your feet on either side of the toilet. Try to get somewhere in the middle, feet flat on the floor (you dont want to fall in, believe me) and aim for the potty.

7. 蹲下



[责任编辑:王晴] 标签:蹲厕 中国式如厕 老外 旅游 凤凰网旅游
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